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Caring for your Quartz Countertops

Updated: Dec 8, 2022

Quartz is one of the most common countertop materials you’ll find in today’s homes. Not only do they look great, but it’s also easy to care for your quartz countertops.

Cleaning Everyday Messes

Caring for quartz countertops and everyday spills and messes is pretty easy. Even though they usually resist permanent staining, but it’s always best to clean up spills and drips right away using a soft cloth and mild dishwashing soap. If the spill starts to harden or you need a little more elbow grease to remove it, try a glass or surface cleaner and a non-abrasive cloth. If it fully dries, use a small putty knife to scrape it off, then wash the remaining debris with soapy water.

Whether you’re a culinary superstar or a novice chef, we all occasionally drip oil and cooking grease on our quartz counters. Use a food-grade degreaser and follow the package instructions to clean off any stains.

Did you kids “accidentally” doodle on your counters? A little Goo Gone (or similar product) soaked into a damp cloth should erase your child’s latest artwork on your countertops! Rub into the stain and wash with warm water and a soapy cloth to remove any residue.

Monthly Quartz Countertop Cleaning Routine

Caring for your quartz countertops is more than just cleaning up spills as they happen. Once a month, or every few months, give it a good deep clean. Find a non-abrasive kitchen surface cleaner on your counters and let it soak for about 10 minutes. Then wipe away with a clean cloth or sponge.

How To Keep Your Countertops Like New

Regular cleaning and care for your countertops is crucial, but to keep them looking like new, here are a few other tips you might find useful:

  1. Resist using abrasive materials or cloths (use soft cloths or sponges)

  2. Steer clear of harsh chemicals or products with very high or very low PH (use a mild soap or gentle cleaning agents)

  3. Avoid placing very hot pots, pans, and dishes on the surface (use a hot pad or trivet)

  4. Don’t cut directly on the countertops with sharp knives (use a cutting board).


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